I have been a building contractor for the last thirty years. In that time I have seen a lot of change, these days both partners have to work when before one stayed at home to keep the home fires burning. Fuel was primarily coal and turf then and oil and gas were cheap.When I started out there was no emphasis on energy efficiency, heat pumps, underfloor heating, airtightness membranes and Heat Recovery Ventilation systems were unheard of. Mould was kept at bay by using heat to create a positive pressure to force condensation out through gaps in the building structure and it was hit and miss at the best of times.

With fuel getting more expensive buildings have become better insulated over the years, airtightness membranes have become standard in recent years but until recently ventilation was a after-thought. I have been increasingly asked by my clients why condensation and mould have become such an issue and in my experience it is due to, cold bridging, heat loss, increased airtightness and inadequate ventilation.

We have used Crossan Energy for both Thermal Imaging Home Heat Loss Inspections and installing Heat Recovery Ventilation systems their understanding of why you “build tight ventilate right” has helped us achieve and exceed our customer’s expectations.